Wednesday 3 April 2013

10 Best Tricks to look slimmer in Photos!

Do you freak out when the camera lens is upon to you?

Make me look skinny, might be something a photographer hear all the time.
Even I say it when my husband takes snap shots of me. If you are like me, you will be looking for tips to look skinny in pictures.
The appearance of bloated face, a double chin, body flab etc. in pictures is a great disappointment. But there are ways by which these flaws can be masked. Read on to know more.
Whether we are standing or sitting we should straighten up a bit. Relax the shoulders and don’t want to appear tense. Do not face the camera straight. It is not very flattering. Whatever our body type we will look fuller if we stand straight to the camera. Instead stand a little tilted, sideways to be precise. Also, never hunch while posing for a picture. Always sit upright or stand with shoulders rolled back. Such a posture will also make us look slimmer.
Find the light Source:
Find the light source. If the light is coming from a flash on the camera there isn't much we can do. However, if we are outdoors or somewhere where a flash isn't needed find where the main light source is coming from and turn toward it. Photographers call this "short lighting". It's the most flattering and will make our face appear narrower. The broad side of our face that is toward the camera will be in shadow and the front of our face will be lighter. It's an optical illusion.
Get the Camera Above us:
A lot of tips to look slimmer in pictures are actually subtle little trick that any photographer can use. One such trick is to make sure that the camera is above us. We don’t have to place it incredibly high; we can just hold it above our head. Because of the angle we will need to look up which elongates our necks and makes us look wonderfully slim.
Fat Arms:
If we have fat arms and do not want them to show in our pictures then never let them press against our body. If we do so they will spread more and look even bulkier. The way we position our arms is vital if we want to look slimmer. Placing our hand away from our body will do the trick.
Cloths Say a Lot:
Cloths also make a lot of difference while clicked. If we are wearing something loose, always press our hands over the lose part of the outfit, try to breath in and hold our breath for few second till the picture has been taken. Doing so will eliminate most of the flabs in the pictures. If we wear darker clothes, they will instantly slim as down.
Hide that Chin:
If we have a slight double chin and want to avoid it appearing from our photographs, then we must always look straight up. Never let our face sag down. Keep it firm and lifted. Positioning our head will minimize the double chin and create the illusion of slimness.
If we have fat on and around our tummy area, use some prop to hide it. For example: tummy flab can be hidden by carrying a huge dump bag. Pull shoulders back, chest forward and gently suck stomach in. Be careful not to suck stomach so far in that our ribs show.
Smile convincingly. Real smile look differently than fake ones. If possible have the person taking the picture count down before they shoot and smile just before they do. Smiles fade and start looking more fake the long they are held.
Group Shots:
When we are getting a picture clicked in a group and want to look slimmest, always stand one step back from where others are standing. Those who are closer to the camera lens ought to look bigger in pictures. So automatically we look slimmer.
We are the most critical of ourselves. No one is going to see the little flaws we may think we have. I remember seeing a picture of myself and a bunch of friends that I felt I looked horrible in. I mentioned this to one of my friends and she said, "I don't remember what you looked like in it, I was concentrating on how bad I thought I looked". And come to think of it, I couldn't remember how she looked... See, we were both being too busy over analyzing ourselves when no one else cared.
Using these tricks will help us become more photogenic, and yes, make us appear thinner.

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