Tuesday 30 July 2013

6 Tips to Get Rid of Facial Fat

Rounded cheeks and baby fat are features that are mostly adored in infants, but these qualities are not necessarily what we want to be admired for as we get into adulthood. Facial fat removal is not very easy, but there are ways by which you can reduce your chubby appearance and firm the skin on your face.

Make sure you regularly exercise and follow a healthy diet plan that includes plenty of vegetables, fresh fruits, and water. Cut out on your consumption of refined and processed foods and make sure you reduce fried foods and eliminate sugar from your diet. The best thing you could do for facial fat removal is to reduce fat all over your body, and this will reflect on your face as well.

Even if you are on the heavier side, possessing a well-shaped face and doing away with the accumulated facial fat will automatically make you look leaner with more conspicuous cheekbones and prominent chin.

By following a healthy diet and performing a few exercises, you can get a slimmer face in no time.

Curb the calories:

Cutting down on your calorie intake by 500 to 1000 calories everyday will help you lose one to two pounds weekly. Gradually attenuating the proportion of meals and taking six small meals a day is the right way to chalk out your diet. Junk foods are high in sodium content and therefore are a strict no-no, as salt tends to retain water in your body thus giving it a bloated appearance.

Plan the right diet:

A diet rich in calcium and protein can help burn calories faster. Calcium helps in flushing out the extra water in your body, thereby, reducing the puffiness. For ensuring you are having enough of calcium incorporate broccoli, leafy vegetables, beans, oranges, dry fruits, herbs and the likes in your diet. Protein is equally important and hence supplementing one carbohydrate serving with protein rich foods such as fish, egg whites, lean meats or tofu will help cut down on your carbohydrate intake while reducing your appetite as well.

Drink lots of water:

Are you having sufficient water that your body demands?There are various benefits of drinking water. If looking at your appearance in the mirror makes you frown at your puffy face or double chin, chances are you are having less water than is needed by your body. Drinking less water leads to a dehydrated body, which then tries to absorb the additional moisture in your body leading to a bloated appearance. Therefore, make it a routine of having 8 to 10 glasses of water every day.

Incorporate good fats:

Who said all fats are harmful? Replace your cheesy pizzas with fish like mackerel, salmon, tuna and nuts, which are rich in omega 3 and fatty acids. Healthy fats help you get rid of the excess fat.

Quit Smoking and Alcohol:

Smoking causes your skin to sag while alcohol leads to dehydration and consequent bloating. Hence quitting smoking and decreasing alcohol intake is a sure way to burn down those layers of fat on your face.


Nothing works better than performing simple exercises at home. One such exercise to reduce your chubby cheeks is Cheek Puff exercise where you require holding as much air as possible in your cheeks and then pushing it towards each of the cheeks, every time holding for 5 seconds. To reduce double chin, exercises like Tennis Ball Squeeze involving pressing a ball between your chin and chest for a few seconds, Neck Flexion and Isometric exercises work wonders.

Monday 29 July 2013

Things You Must-Know about Skin Cancer

Ultraviolet (U.V.) rays from the sun are the main reason behind skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, with millions of cases detected every year. Most common and serious types of skin cancers are non-melanoma and melanoma cancer.

Skin cancer develops primarily on areas of sun-exposed skin, including the scalp, face, lips, ears, neck, chest, arms and hands, and on the legs in women. But it can also form on areas that rarely see the light of day — your palms, beneath your fingernails or toenails, and your genital area.

Skin cancer affects people of all skin tones, including those with darker complexions. When melanoma occurs in people with dark skin tones, it's more likely to occur in areas not normally exposed to the sun.
So, here are some skin cancer related facts that you should know about to help you protect yourself and your loved ones.

Non-melanoma skin cancers:

Basal and squamous skin cancer is also known as non-melanoma skin cancer. They usually have their origin in the basal and squamous cells from where they get their name. These cells are found in the outer layers of the skin. They mostly develop on sun exposed areas such as lips, hands, neck and the face. They can be cured if detected and treated early.

Melanoma skin cancer:

This particular type of skin cancer begins in the cells (melanocytes) that produce skin coloring pigment known as melanin. Melanin protects the deepest layer of skin from the damaging effects of the sun. Melanoma cancer is a result of overexposure to the U.V. rays. But this type of skin cancer possesses a much more serious threat to life than any other.

A few causes of skin cancer:
  • Here are some certain and probable triggers of skin cancer:
  • Unprotected or overexposure to U.V. sun rays.
  • Fair-skinned people are more susceptible to damaging sun effects, especially those who experience red and patchy skin during sun exposure.
  • Unnatural sun tanning, with sunlamps and sunbed, also increase risks of skin cancers.
  • Severe sun burns in the past can be another reason of skin cancer.
  • It can also be hereditary, though it follows no strict pattern.
  • Prolonged consumption of synthetic chemicals (pesticides and herbicides) along with food or water is also a probable cause for skin cancer.
  • Persistent contact with coal tar, pitch, arsenic compounds and nuclear radiations can damage the outer skin cells to a large extent.
  • High levels of harmful chemicals such as cadmium, lead, mercury and zinc in drinking water also lowers skin resistance.
Skin cancer symptoms:
  • Minor changes are to be noted carefully, as these can be symptoms of skin cancer. Such as:
  • A small lump (spot or mole) that is shiny, waxy, pale in color, and smooth in texture.
  • A red lump (spot or mole) that is firm
  • Rough and scaly patches on the skin.
  • Flat scaly areas of the skin that are red or brown.
  • Change in the size or color of a mole.
  • New growth spots or discolored mole.
  • Oozing, bleeding or variations in the look of a lump or knot.
  • Spreading of pigmentation to other parts of body, beyond its borders.
  • Constant changes in sensation, ranging from itchiness to pain.
Lowering the risks of skin cancer:
  • Here are some ways to lower the risks of skin cancer:
  • Avoid direct exposure of the sun between 10am to 4pm
  • Even when you are outdoors, try to stay in shade as much as possible.
  • Always apply sunscreen lotions during the day. Reapply the sunscreen after every two hours.
  • Avoid direct exposure to U.V. rays. Always keep protected gear, such as hats and stoles, handy.
  • During summers, always opt for comfortable clothing in fabrics like cotton and linen.
  • Keep your body and skin hydrated. Drink water as much as possible.
  • Always keep sunglasses with you, which can provide optimal protection to your eyes and the sensitive skin around it.
  • Avoid artificial sun tanning, with the use of sunlamps and sunbed.
  • Always make sure that your drinking water is properly purified. Either use a RO purifier system or boil your drinking water.
It is important to reiterate that skin cancer is one of the most commonly found and dangerous form of cancer. But, if you look out for signs and follow strict precautions you can lower its effects. So, it is important to go for timely check-ups just to be on the safer side.

Sunday 28 July 2013

8 Hidden Facts Why You are Gaining Weight

Have you been losing your mind over shedding those extra kilos?
Are you strictly eating everything that says ‘low-fat’?
Even after trying your hand at everything related to weight loss, did you still end up gaining more?

People have always associated fitness with fat loss or weight loss. In the struggle to achieve the perfect figure overnight, you may subject your body to several kinds of dietary abuses, including crash diets and over-indulgence in ‘low-fat’ products. However, you do not realize that there are many other factors that can lead to weight gain, including you’re eating habits and your lifestyle choices.

You may not realize it, but these factors could be making you fat.

Starving your body:

If you think that by eating sparingly for fifteen days, you will get in shape, then it is utter rubbish! Bodies that go into the sudden starvation mode end up saving more calories than burning them. Your body is like a system, which needs fuel to conduct its basic metabolic activities, including burning the fat. Hence, when you move towards a crash diet, your body starts saving up the existing energy instead of dispersing it.

Watch what you eat!

Bringing on food labeled as ‘low-fat’ can also make you gain weight. Such products often have high levels of sugar, which add to the calorie count and therefore, leading you on to gain weight on a sly. Hence, instead of going for such items, resort to fresh home-cooked foods to aid your weight loss.

Sedentary lifestyle:

Are you sure eating right, but still failing to lose those kilos? It is about time you pay a close attention to your lifestyle. Having a sedentary and lazy life or being a couch potato can be a major reason behind those excess tiers around your tummy. Switch to an exercise regime that is well-suited for your body or cultivate an interest in few sport activities. Try yoga, swimming, jogging or dancing to lose weight. Even a simple brisk walk for 30 minutes every day can help you in a big way.


Stress may actually be the eating trigger that causes the most trouble. When you have chronic stress, your body steps up its production of cortisol and insulin. Your appetite increases, and so do the chances you’ll engage in “hedonistic” eating in the form of high-calorie sweets and fats.

Check your meds:

Certain prescription medicines have side-effects that can lead to sudden weight gain as well. You need to check with your doctor, to confirm your fears. If possible, get him to prescribe other medicinal substitutes that do not have such drastic side-effects on your body and its metabolism.

Sleeping patterns:

Does sleep elude your eyelids, during the night? You may not realize this but this too can be a reason behind your love handles! Your body functions perfectly only when it is well-rested. Irregular sleep patterns disturb your body’s metabolism and, thus, result in weight gain.

Quit drinking:

Did you think that ‘beer belly’ was a joke? Unfortunately, it is not. Liver is your body’s chief blood detoxifier and fat metabolizer; due to alcohol it becomes unable to perform these functions efficiently. Alcohol spoils your liver, thus, leading to weight gain.

Factors Beyond Your Control:

Genes: When first discovered it was called the fatso gene. Turns out, people with two copies of the more politely named FTO gene were 60 percent more likely to be obese than those without it. Scientists now suspect that there are lots of fat genes.
More fat cells: Some people have twice as many fat cells as others have. Gaining or losing pounds will not change your fat-cell count. But, you’re better off with more fat cells than with fewer fat cells that become overstuffed and enlarged.
Viruses: Adenoviruses are responsible for a host of ills, from upper respiratory tract problems to gastrointestinal troubles.

It is always good to get a better understanding of your body’s metabolism. So, next time when you feel that you have tried everything and are still unable to lose weight, then try shedding some light on these factors, as well. 

Saturday 27 July 2013

10 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Body Odour

Body odor can be one of the biggest problems people have. This provides a potentially humiliating scenario for any individual, limits his/her ability to interact with others, and even ruins one's self-confidence.

Ever had that moment when you wonder whether you smell good or not? To save yourself from such embarrassing situations, you often resort to buying some really expensive deodorants. No matter how effective deodorants are in preventing body odour, they often cause several skin related ailments. Itching, allergies and dark underarms are just a few examples.

So, here are few simple tips, which will help you to get rid of your body odour naturally. 

Keep it Clean:

This may seem very simple. One of the main causes of bad body odor is a general lack of physical hygiene. You can dramatically improve the scent of your body by improving your hygienic approach. The best way to get rid of body odour is to clean your armpits with soap and warm water, at least once a day. Wash away bacteria that cause body odor by having regular baths using antimicrobial soap.

Wardrobe management:

Wear breathable fabrics. Instead of opting for synthetic fabrics, you must wear fabrics like cotton and linen. They allow your skin to breathe. To ensure an odour-free skin, you should always wear clean undergarments and socks. More than just keeping yourself clean, you need to keep your clothes clean as well. It's not recommended that you wear the same pieces of clothing the next day as these can actually contribute to body odor. Effective clothes washing can also help you out immensely.

Eating Management:

Particular foods have the ability to create body odor. For instance, spicy foods have the ability to make you sweat more than usual. What's more, particular substances in spices (particularly sulfur) mix with your sweat and create a distinctively unpleasant odor.

Have a honey bath:

Honey is also known for keeping body odour at bay. So, after your bath, add a tablespoon of honey in warm water and pour it on your body in the end.


Antiperspirants contain chemicals which can clog your sweat glands. Alum on the other hand, has both antiseptic and astringent properties. It effectively stops the growth of odour causing bacteria. So, you should apply powdered alum on your armpits at least twice a day. 

Freshness of lime:

Using lime is another great way to tackle body odour naturally. It not only controls sweat, but also helps in whitening of underarms. Cut a lemon into two halves and rub it on your armpits. You might feel a bit of irritation, but eventually it will leave you with happy results. But avoid it strictly, if you have a cut or are suffering from skin problems. 

Baking soda:

Baking soda acts as a neutralizing agent, which helps in getting rid of the body odour naturally. Just sprinkle a little on your underarm, and let it absorb all the sweat. It will automatically take care of the odour. For better absorption of sweat, you can even mix it with cornstarch. 

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is really effective in reducing the pH levels of the skin and getting rid of the armpit odour. Just add a small proportion to a mug of water, and rinse your armpits with it. 

The power of Neem:

Neem extracts have anti-bacterial properties, which can get rid of body odour naturally. Add a few drops of this extract in some warm water. Then dip a hand towel into this solution, and dab it on your armpits. 

Tea tree oil:

Like neem, tea tree oil is also effective in killing odour causing bacteria. Add a few drops of tea tree oil in water, and store this solution in a spray bottle. Just spray it on your underarms before taking a shower.

So, do not just buy a new deodorant impulsively. Simply use these things available at home, and get rid of your body odour naturally.

While each of these remedies is effective in getting rid of body odor, one-time use won't give you the results you want. You have to diligently perform these activities - most especially those having to do with hygiene - to prevent body odor from fully manifesting itself.

Friday 26 July 2013

10 Amazing Fruits that can Make You Look Beautiful

That fruits are the best medicine is a well-known fact.

Your skin is the largest organ in the body, and if you do not nourish it from within, the effects will show on the outside. The right nutrients are fundamental to sustain optimal health, glossy hair, strong nails and glowing skin. Therefore, it’s time to think twice about splashing out on expensive cosmetics and products and up the intake of these super-foods instead.

We all thought that achieving flawless and healthy skin is difficult. But, getting attractive is no longer a challenging task. Instead of going to the salon or picking up beauty products, all you have to do is head to your closest fruit mart. Most fruits have carotenoids, which help in guarding your skin against cell damages. Other than this, various fruits provide different benefits to your skin. So, take a look at some fruits that will give you a healthy and glowing skin.

Raspberries- for skin rejuvenation:

Raspberry delivers a legendary beauty to the skin; it is nowadays increasingly used in the composition of beauty care. Raspberries are rich in antioxidants, fibre and vitamin C. These components help you feel refreshed, give a good texture to your skin and slow down the ageing process. Vitamin C helps to rejuvenate your skin, thereby making it feel fresh and healthy. The Raspberry regenerates the skin cells; it helps skin to become healthy, clear and singular beauty.

Apples- natural doctor for your skin:

Apart from numerous health benefits, the fruit is known for its several skin benefits as well. Adding apple to your homemade face packs will moisturize your skin and improve its overall texture. Green apples are also an effective anti-acne treatment. Apples also help you to get rid of under eye dark circles. Whereas, vitamin A and vitamin C in them makes your skin look lustrous.

Grapes- for a smooth skin:

Grapes are rich in flavonoids, which are good for your skin and health. Grapes are abundantly rich with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Apart from its raw form, its juice also aids in preventing pimples and fading the acne scars from the skin. Grapes contain hydroxyl acids that also helps to keep your skin smooth and wrinkle free.

Papaya- for glowing skin:

Papayas contain fibre, vitamin C and lots of calcium, which help your body’s mechanism to function smoothly. Papaya also helps in detoxifying your blood and is rich in antioxidants, certainly a perfect combination for a glowing skin.

Prunes- to shed kilos!

Prunes belong to the raisin family and have a lot of fibre in them. They provide aid to your digestive system and help in flushing the toxins out. Prunes are an energy-packed food option that keep you active throughout the day. In addition to this, soluble fibre in prune juice also helps you to maintain or lose weight.

Oranges- for skin tightening:

Like most of the citrus fruits, oranges are rich in vitamin C and are good for your skin’s collagen construction. In fact, this fruit's peel and juice are abundantly used in anti-ageing creams, as they help in tightening your skin. Oranges are also rich in vitamin B1, which helps to boost your body’s immunity system. Rich in vitamin C that improves skin texture. Like apple, orange too contains collagen that slows skin aging process. Rub the insides of orange on your skin to tighten the skin. Oranges can be dried and powdered and used as a natural scrub. Like lemon, oranges too help clear skin blemishes.

Bananas- for softer skin:

Bananas are rich in iron, magnesium and potassium and vitamins A, B and E. Being rich in vitamin E, it makes the skin soft. And, also helps in removing signs of ageing or wrinkles. Eating as well as applying this fruit will do wonders to your skin. (Read more on Amazing Beauty and Health Benefits of Bananas)

Mangoes- a definite king of fruits:

The fruit provides various health and skin benefits. Rich in vitamin A and antioxidants, mangoes aid in making the skin soft and even-toned. It also helps in restoring the skin elasticity and unclogs your skin pores. Mangoes also keep your cholesterol under check.

Lemons- remove skin blemishes:

The strong juice or peel of this fruit is a wondrous drug in removing blemishes and stringent acne marks from your skin. This vitamin C rich fruit also assists in cleansing the skin thoroughly. Other than this, lemon also has skin lightening properties, which is why it is used in many beauty treatments.
Kiwis- keep the skin young:

When it comes to fruits, Kiwi is one of the major sources of vitamin C that is at par with lemons. This fruit aids in younger looking skin by keeping the signs of ageing at bay. It helps to rejuvenate damaged skin.

So, no need to burn a hole in your pocket with some expensive beauty treatments, just include these fruits in your diet to get a younger and healthier looking skin!

Wednesday 24 July 2013

How to Get a Healthy Heart?

A healthy heart is essential for a long and active life.

A healthy heart lies within our means. As we journey through life, there are certain factors within our control that can help us maintain the healthy heart we all desire. 

Lifestyle and diet modifications are the major areas we need to work on to support cardiac health. Initially, the going may seem tough. It’s hard work but keep at it. Once you've passed the initial hurdle, cardio health will not seem too difficult to maintain. Keep in mind your goal. The rewarding benefits of cardio health and the feel-good-factor you achieve far outweigh what may seem as grueling changes in diet and lifestyle!
  • Find out the recommended calorie allowance for your height and age, and conform your diet to these levels. Do this gradually—drastic diets can actually harm your health long term. Losing weight at a steady pace will help promote a healthy loss and maintain your weight loss.
  • Choose nutrient-dense foods with the least amount of calories. High fiber foods with plenty of vegetables and fruits will give you vitamins, minerals and fiber. Heart vitamins include Vitamin D and folic acid, a member of the B vitamin family. Include foods rich in heart vitamins, or consider taking a cardio supplement.
  • Include fatty fish at least twice a week. Fatty fish is rich in the heart-healthy promoting omega 3 fatty acids. For a more regular intake of omega 3s, consult with your physician about taking omega 3 supplements or cardio supplements that help support cardio health.
  • Remember to eat low-fat foods which include a variety of foods from all food groups. Many doctors recommend the rainbow diet—include as many different-colored foods on your plate as you can. The rich colors each provide different nutrients that complement and enhance synergistic health. By eating a variety of foods, you’ll ensure you’re getting a good dose of heart vitamins and cardio healthy nutrients. For convenience, you may also find these nutrients in cardio supplements. 
  • Smoking and excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages can be harmful to the heart. To maintain cardio health, you’d need to stop smoking and drink moderately. 
  • Cut down on high-cholesterol foods. Shop smart for cardio healthy foods. It’s easy to identify them by looking for the AHA heart check. This signifies that the product has been checked for cholesterol and fat values and is a wise choice for supporting cardio health. 
  • Exercise! Get Fit - taking care to start gently and choose a level of activity that's right for you, now. Begin with weight management. Slim down to a weight that is average for your height and age. Keep a trim waistline is important to health. A few extra inches on your waistline means puts extra pressure on your heart. This part of a heart healthy regimen cannot be overemphasized—exercise is a must for promoting cardio health. In fact, not exercising can have major damaging impacts on cardio health. At least 30 minutes of exercise each day will go a long way in strengthening heart muscles, promoting better circulation of blood to all body parts and in maintaining overall health and stamina. Choose any of these exercises: jogging, aerobic dancing, walking, cycling, swimming or any physical activity that makes you works up a sweat! If you have any medical conditions, please consult your doctor before starting an exercise regimen. 
  • Keep your gums healthy. It's suspected that the bacteria in healthy gums affect your heart, perhaps by causing arteriosclerosis.
    • Brush after eating,
    • Keep your toothbrush clean and replace it often,
    • Floss,
    • Use a mouthwash.
  • Be happy. Avoid stress.
    • Consider meditation and yoga.
    • Communicate with your loved ones and colleagues. Resolve your problems and improve your relationships.
    • Appreciate what you have and live in the present.
    • Help others, volunteer; get involved with your community. Happiness comes more from helping others than from just looking for pleasure.
A few good choices can help you feel better and stay healthier!  

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Beauty Tips for Neck Care

We always try to look our best! We go to the very extremes sometimes to take care of our face from keeping it glowing & beautiful and making it free from fine lines and wrinkles.

In the quest to achieve a perfect and radiant skin, we often tend to focus more on our face and less on the neck. Hence, the poor neck suffers. It sags, darkens and sometimes even shows unappealing layers of fat. Usually, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness with age, leading to wrinkles and a sagging neck. Going under the knife is not always a good option. So, here are some home remedies which not only tighten your facial skin, but takes care of the neck as well. 

To start with we focus on tanned or discolored skin of neck. The skin of neck should be equally taken care of like skin of face. And it is rather easy. Just peruse these tips and you will come to know the ways to make your neck beautiful and clean.

  • Neck also requires nourishment. Apply moisturizer and massage and the skin will feel hydrated.
  • Always apply a good sunscreen on your face as well as on neck before going out. You can also wear a wide brimmed hat which will protect the neck from harmful sun rays.

Regular scrubbing:

Exfoliate your neck once or twice a week. It removes the dead skin that builds up in the creases of your neck, resulting in wrinkles. The process helps the skin to regenerate new cells at a faster rate, and makes it smooth and clear. 

Egg white pack:

Whip an egg white until foamy. Add a spoon of honey or glycerin into it. Apply this paste on your face and neck region, and leave for 30 minutes. This pack will instantly brighten and tighten your skin.

Oat meal for oily skin:

Oat meal and egg white is the best possible combination for skin tightening. Cook a half cup of oatmeal, cool it and mix it with an egg white. Squeeze a lemon into the mixture. Apply for 15 minutes and rinse it off with tap water. This is an ideal pack for those with oily skin.

Vitamin E for skin tightening:

Massaging your skin with a cream or oil rich in vitamin E is highly recommended. Vitamin E has natural soothing and moisturizing properties, which help in skin tightening. This can reduce deep wrinkles and fine lines on both face and neck. Also, you can use it under the eyes and around the mouth to tighten the sagging skin. Almond oil is a rich source of vitamin E. A regular massage of it can tighten your skin, especially around the neck area.

Pack for pigmented skin:

Crush a peach and extract its juice. Mix yogurt and honey into this liquid. Apply the mixture and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash it off once dry. This pack is good for those with a pigmented skin. Though, it is advisable to wash off any pack with lukewarm water, but splash some cold water on your face after using the lukewarm one. Cold water further tightens the skin.

Gram flour for skin lightening:

It is an Indian household’s most favorite ingredient for all skin related problems. Mix gram flour (besan) with yogurt or tomato puree or milk cream. Apply this paste regularly on your neck for lightening and brightening of the skin. This can also be used as a complete body pack.

Fruit power:

Fruits also have a lot of beneficial properties for treating skin problems. Applying a mashed banana or papaya pulp, coupled with an egg white is often recommended for tightening of the skin. Try this remedy and make your neck look much younger.

Solution for Wrinkled Neck:

  • Neck exercises are vital to make the neck look slender and wrinkle free. Stretch your neck and body time to time in order to avoid stiffness. Do these at any time of the day daily.
  • Keep your posture straight while walking, sitting and lying. Do not lean forward while working on computer as it will put undue stress on the neck.
  • Use lower pillows while sleeping if at all you need them. And change sides to avoid stress or pain on neck.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Take healthy diet and plenty of water to attain healthy looking skin.
  • Do not stay too long in water as it will damage the skin.
  • Massage with olive oil or any skin oil is a very good way to Control wrinkles. Bring that in your beauty regime and see the difference.

Now you will have an attractive face and a fair looking neck too!!

A wonderful neck makes you look attractive and extremely feminine. The trick is to start treating your neck before the signs of wrinkles appear. 

Monday 22 July 2013

Health Benefits of Shedding Tears

I'm someone who loves to cry myself .As I look back at some of the most important, pivotal and transformational moments of my life, both ones I considered to be "good" and ones I considered to be "bad" at the time, tears were a part of just about all of those experiences.

How do you feel about shedding tears yourself? Is it easy for you to cry? Is it hard? Are you comfortable crying in front of others? Do you judge yourself or others for doing so? I think it's interesting and important for us to ask ourselves these questions and notice our relationship to tears.

Many of us have a great deal of fear, resistance and judgment about tears -- both ours and those of 
other people. While this tends to vary based on our age, culture, gender and the environment in which we find ourselves, I'm amazed at how often crying is seen in such a negative way in our culture, even today.
Many people look upon tears as a sign of emotional weakness. But, what they fail to realize is that crying is a form of stress buster for the body. Crying helps you to get rid of all you’re pent up emotions, be it frustration or joy. Not only this crying has many other health benefits as well.

Even though we may resist, fear, and avoid crying -- at work, with friends or family, with members of the opposite sex, with our children or with anyone else, we worry it wouldn't be "appropriate" to cry in front of, there are some real positive benefits to shedding tears. Such as:

Improves Eyesight:

Tears can help to improve your eyesight. Many a times, due to dehydrated membranes of your eyes, you may find your eyesight to be a little blurry. When you cry, your tears hydrate your membrane and help to improve your overall vision.

Cleans your eyes:

Like other parts of the body, bacteria can be found in your eyes, too. But, your tears have natural antibacterial properties. Tears contain a fluid called lisozom, which can kill around 90 to 95 per cent bacteria in the eyes, within five minutes.

Stress relief:

When you are upset and stressed, you have an imbalance and build-up of chemicals in the body and crying helps to reduce that. It is said that a person who cries during stressful situations, has lower levels of depression. Emotional tears also release hormones likes adrenocorticotropic and leucine encephalin, which relieve your body of its stress.

Get rid of toxins:

In a research, it was found that normal tears contain 98 per cent water, but emotional tears contain stress hormones, which are released by your body to relax you. These tears contain a number of toxins, which are built-up in the body due to emotional pressure. Tears could actually be a way of flushing negative chemicals out of the body and doing us a world of good physically. In addition to removing toxic substances from our body, crying can also have the psychological benefit of lifting our mood and helping us to deal with painful situations.

Protection against irritants:

Have you wondered why your eyes water when you cut onions? It is because onion contains certain enzymes, which irritate your eyes. Similarly, when dust particles enter your eyes, they start watering. This type of crying simply protects your eyes and ensures that the particles are washed out along with the tears.

Cry for your overall health:

Tears released due to emotional reasons contain 24 per cent of higher albumin protein, which helps to regulate the body’s metabolic system. Crying also helps to fight diseases such as high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes, which are caused due to high stress levels.

To feel comforted:

Though you may be undergoing a lot of difficulties, crying gives you a feeling of relief. After you shed tears, your brain, heart and limbic system starts functioning optimally and you feel very comforted.

When we cry we open up, let down our guard, and connect with others in a more real and vulnerable way -- Many times in my own personal life I've seen tears dramatically shift a person's perspective, change the dynamic of an argument and bring people together in a genuine way. Tears have a way of breaking down emotional walls and mental barriers we put up within ourselves and towards others. Crying tends to be some kind of human equalizer, because no matter the circumstance, situation, or stress we may face, our tears have a way of shifting and altering things in a beautiful, vulnerable and humbling way.

There's nothing wrong with our tears, even if we get a little embarrassed, uncomfortable or even pained when they show up. As we allow them to flow through us, we not only release toxins from our body, stress from our system, and thoughts from our mind -- we tap into one of the most basic and unifying experiences of being human. Crying is powerful and important -- let's have the courage to do it with pride and support each other in the healthy expression of our tears.

So, next time when your heart feels heavy or your eyes start to water up, don’t think of it as a sign of weakness. With so many benefits attached to it, shedding a tear won't be that bad an idea.

Saturday 20 July 2013

Oral Care: Tame your Bad Breath

Whether it's a fleeting case of morning breath or a lingering bout with halitosis, everyone has bad breath sometimes.

Bad breath can happen to anybody, and it sure is a mood killer. Here's presenting a few tips and tricks to ensure you don't suffer from it. Ever been in a situation, when you were trying to talk to someone and they were trying to avoid you by looking in another direction and wrinkling their noses, all because you have the breath of a dragon that lunched on an entire pod of garlic? Let’s face it, bad breath is very undesirable, uncomfortable, and can certainly ruin our day. But fortunately, these fixes will help tame your bad breath or halitosis.

The most effective treatment is usually improving your dental hygiene. As part of your daily routine you should:
  • Brush your teeth and gums
  • Floss in between your teeth
  • Clean your tongue
Brush your teeth and scrape your tongue first thing every morning and also after each time you take a nap. Foul-smelling bacteria have had a chance to take over your mouth while you slept, and are most likely causing yucky "morning breath." Tongue scrapers can be found in most health food stores and also in drug stores and convenience stores as they become more popular.

A dry mouth is a haven for bacteria that causes bad breath. So, swish water around in your mouth. Water will temporarily dislodge bacteria and make your breath a bit more palatable. At the end of a leisurely lunch or romantic dinner, munch on a sprig of parsley that’s left on your plate. Parsley is rich in chlorophyll, a known breath deodorizer with germ-fighting qualities.

If you can get your hands on an orange, peel and eat it. The citric acid it contains will stimulate your salivary glands and encourage the flow of breath-freshening saliva. If there are no oranges in sight, eat whatever is available, except known breath-fowler like garlic, onions or a stinky cheese. Eating encourages the flow of saliva, which helps remove the unpleasant, odour-causing material on the back of your tongue.

Vigorously scrape your tongue over your teeth. Your tongue can become coated with bacteria that ferment proteins, producing gases that smell bad. Scraping your tongue can dislodge these bacteria so you can rinse them away. If you have a metal or plastic spoon, use it as a tongue scraper. To scrape safely, place the spoon on the back of your tongue and drag it forward. Repeat four or five times. Scrape the sides of the tongue as well, with the same back-to-front motion. Don’t push the spoon too far back; however, you may activate your gag reflex.

Tips and tricks

  • Use toothpaste that contains tea-tree oil, a natural disinfectant.
  • Use an oral irrigator, which is a handheld device that rapidly pulses a small jet of water into your mouth, to flush out the bad bacteria, which can go deeper than a brush or floss string can reach.
  • Carry a toothbrush with you and brush immediately after every meal. With prompt brushing, you thwart the development of plaque, the soft, sticky film that coats the teeth and gums.
  • To keep your toothbrush free of stink-triggering bacteria, store it, head down, in a lidded plastic tumbler of hydrogen peroxide. Rinse the brush well before you use it.
  • If you wear dentures, it’s possible that they are absorbing the bad odours in your mouth. Always soak them overnight in an antiseptic solution, unless your dentist has advised you otherwise.
  • Don’t skip meals. When you don’t eat for a long period of time, your mouth can get very dry. It becomes a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Some things can sour your breath even if there are no bacteria in the neighborhood. These include cigarettes, alcohol, onions, garlic and especially strong cheeses like Camembert, Roquefort, and blue cheese. In situations where sweet breath is a must, use the commonsense approach—just say no.

Friday 19 July 2013

Foot Care: How to Prevent and Heal Cracked Heels?

Walking barefoot may be liberating but it can cause cracked heels. Whether it is at home or outdoors, walking barefoot or in chapels or flip flops can cause fissures around the heel. If you feel that your skin around the heel is hardening, then here’s what you need to know on what causes cracked heels, how to prevent it and remedies to cure it.

Causes of cracked heels:

Cracked heels and other foot cracks are usually caused by a combination of pressure and dry, non-pliable skin. Standing and walking applies pressure which makes the skin on the bottom of the feet expand sideways. If the skin is not sufficiently pliable, cracking can result. Known medically as heel fissures, cracked heels are linear cut wounds which usually affect the surface level, or epidermis, of the heel. When the cracks extend beyond the epidermis, they can result in pain, bleeding and even infection.

If you continue to engage in activities without any precautions and remedies, the cracks will widen and grow deeper. Lack of care can be painful and can lead to bleeding and infection. Inactive sweat glands are also one of the reasons for causing cracked heel.

Cracked heels are most often a result of lack of proper foot care and may also be caused by dietary deficiencies. In particular, diets which fail to provide adequate zinc and essential omega-3 fatty acids may contribute to cracked heels and other dry skin problems. Zinc rich foods include oysters, organic chicken, crab, kidney beans, yogurt, and brown rice. Omega-3 fatty acids are largely found in cold water fish and healthy oils such as flax seed.

Other important vitamins and minerals include:
  • Vitamin E, which is found in green vegetables, wheat germ, whole-grain products and nuts.
  • Calcium, which can be found in organic raw certified cow or goat milk, organic cheeses, yogurt, dark leafy vegetables and broccoli. Most people get plenty of calcium but fail to get the essential mineral magnesium which is necessary for proper absorption and utilization of calcium.
  • Iron, which is found in certified organic meats, including beef, chicken and fish, as well as organic free range eggs, vegetables and beans.

How to prevent and cure cracked heels?

  • Keep your feet clean and dirt free.
  • Exercise feet regularly.
  • Moisturize your feet regularly so that they remain soft and avoid a buildup of dry skin.
  • Before you hit the bed, moisturize your feet and put on a pair of socks to nourish the skin on your feet.
  • You can also scrub off the dry skin with pumice, but gently. This will decrease the occurrence of dead cells and dry skin and reduce the thickness of the dry skin around the heel.
  • Choose a good pair shoes:
    • Avoid thin soles
    • Avoid open back shoes
    • Avoid walking barefoot
  • Maintain the hygiene of your feet at all times to prevent infection.
  • Do not walk in an open pair of shoes if you have cracked heels. Also wear socks to avoid infection.
  • Drink water to keep your skin hydrated.

Remedies for Cracked Heels and Feet
  • One of the most effective remedies for getting rid of foot cracks and dry heels is using foot socks in combination with healing oils and moisturizers. Before going to sleep, liberally apply one or more oils such as almond, grape seed oil and/or olive oil to the heels and feet, put on a pair of thick cotton socks and then leave on all night. Other good oils and moisturizers include: lanolin, cocoa butter, Shea butter, and coconut oil.
  • Another great remedy for dry, crusty or "alligator skin" is raw papaya. Papaya contains papain, an enzyme that helps digest proteins and which has been referred to as "organic alpha-hydroxy substitute". Pineapple contains a similar enzyme, but it's much easier to mash a piece of papaya and use it like a masque on your heels than it is to use pineapple.
  • Milk and honey can be very effective for obtaining softer, smoother feet without harsh exfoliation. Pour one cup of honey per each two cups of milk into a basin large enough to hold both feet. Soak for 15 minutes, lightly massaging the mixture into skin. You can also use the milk/honey combo to soak elbows or hands, or pat gently onto the face and massage in. Rinse with tepid water

Other natural remedies for cracked heels include:
  • Apply the pulp of a ripe banana on the dry or cracked area. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse clean. Continue doing this at least once daily as long as needed.
  • Soak the feet in lemon juice for about 10 minutes. Continue every day as needed.
  • Regularly apply a mixture of glycerin and rosewater.

Prevent cracked heels before it is too late. Timely measure is the way to prevent cracked heels. Moisturizing, scrubbing and a proper pair of shoes can help you maintain the hygiene of your feet.