Wednesday 30 November 2016

Picture Of The Week

Week # : 5
This is one of the oldest temples in Kancheepuram,Tamil Nadu. The KailasaNathar Temple. Picture is taken while i was visiting the place couple of years back.
This temple was built from 685-705 AD by a Rajasimha ruler of the Pallava Dynasty.

The Kailasanathar Temple

Monday 28 November 2016


My son Adi loves the game PeekABoo. He always wants to play it with me. And here I am taking advantage of it maximum. Whenever I have to change his attention from something which he is not supposed to touch, I have to just tell him, “Adi, Amma is gonna play PeekABoo”, and he will be running behind me already. We also play it during his play times and even before his nap time. He enjoys it lot.
When we play it together it joys me as well. And it reminded me of my childhood where we played hide and seek with lot of Interest. My hometown is a village and there were lot of children growing up together. Me, my SIS along with them used to spend most of our playtime by playing hide and seeks. It was our favorite. Hide and seek is bit different from PeekABoo since we hide until someone comes and find you. I already told you guys my home town is a village, and there were lot of places for us to hide. Most of the house sill is inside one acre land which will have lot of trees. And it’s small hilly side so land will not be flat. That made it easy for us to hide for long time and win the game.
So, this day we were playing hide and seek as usual. One of my cousins was the one who needs to find or the seeker. We all got and hide in separate places so the seeker could not find us. At times by giving sound from the hiding places we Made fun of him. At last after a good amount of time he found every one of us except my SIS.
Game got over and we were not able to find her at all. Nobody had any clue about the place where she was hidden. There will be boundary set for the places to hide, so she couldn’t go far away as well. Everyone got scared since we were not able to find her at all. My mom and dad also joined the search and my mom was almost in tears. At last we found her sleeping inside a hole underneath a big tree. She was sleeping nicely making the hole her bed without knowing the fuss she made by disappearing while playing. Everyone got scared for some time for sure, but it makes us laugh always when we remember about it later. She was looking so cute sleeping inside that hole.
Thank God! That was not a time of FB, otherwise many of us would have taken her picture and post it in our wall. We still make fun of her about this incident whenever we all are together.
Now here when Adi has only me to play with him, I remember how much fun filled it is to grow up with lot of children. May be after a year or two Adi will also make friends with some of the neighbors and play hide and seek with them.
I hope he doesn’t sleep inside a dog house.
PeekAboo Adiii

Saturday 26 November 2016

A Perfect Day!!

Disclaimer: This is just an imaginary story. Has nothing to do with anyone or anything. If finds similarity just that we all go through same situations at times..!!!!
Haven’t you ever wanted to have a Day filled with happiness? A day when you think about has only laughs and smiles. Here is one such day anyone loves to have.

Dancing in rain
The Story!

It’s our fifth wedding anniversary. Five years is just a start, but of course it is long beautiful 5*365 mornings with a wonderful person next you to share a smile, Of course some fights as well.
I moved towards his side of the bed to give him a warm hug and special anniversary kiss. But I opened my eyes without seeing him next to me.
Where is he gone this early? It’s always me who wake up first.
I could hear the droplets of rain falling in the ground. A beautiful rainy morning! Oh, God! Thank you for such a start.
But my husband is missing! Where is he? At this time he only tries to cuddle up under a blanket. I wonder where he is gone.
He might have got an urgent call from office.
I couldn’t resist opening my balcony door and enjoy the shining rainy day. I love this, this is my favorite. Rain falls down from the clouds above splashing in puddles.
Let me go ahead and drench in rain.
Let the rain kiss me
Let the rain beat upon my heart with its silver droplets
Let the rain sing a beautiful song for me.
How blissful you are!
I just love the rain and all the rainy days.
I closed my eyes to enjoy the music of rain. I thought I will be dancing in the rain with the most wonderful person in my life. It might be just a dream since he might not agree to it. J
I turn back to see my husband standing with two coffee cups in his hand. I couldn’t believe my eyes. In these five years he has never made me coffee or tea or not even an omelet at any point of time. Even when I were badly sick and lying in the bed. With an amazed face and spangled eyes I took one cup of coffee from him with a thank you in his cheeks.
Sipping hot coffee, we sat together enjoying the morning. We could discuss about anything under the sky or beyond. It is such a wonderful start of a day.
I kept the coffee cup down and run crazily in the rain, holding his hands. It might be nice if someone holds an umbrella for you when it rains. But it is the most wonderful when someone holds your hand and runs in the rain.
                I lean my head on his shoulders and hold him close to me.
A light shower surprised me. I couldn’t ask for a better start for my special day. It looks like a scene from some romantic movie which I watched earlier. But it is real! I have gone through a wonderful experience in my life. All these years I have got many costly gifts for my birthdays and anniversaries. But this one cannot be prize tagged.
It’s such a perfect day! Rain makes everything beautiful!!!

Friday 25 November 2016

Picture Of The Week

Week #4 :

Oh! Flower, you are such a beauty
Our eyes are drawn to your splendor. 
Oh! Flower you dances in the breeze
Charming our senses!               
Oh! Flower you are such a beauty!!

Thursday 24 November 2016

Be Better!!!

I always sit here and think about what I am gonna write next, nothing. Over these years one habit which doesn’t fade away from me is laziness. I start the whole enchilada, but don’t stick to it for long time.  My interest keeps changing from time to time.
I started this blog thinking of becoming a famous blogger!!! ok…ok at least write few good posts.  But it doesn’t seem like going anywhere. I ran out of ideas soon.  Even if I think for hours and hours I don’t get even a single topic to write about. Why is it so? Why am running out of ideas? May be I don’t think anymore!!
I don’t. I really don’t know how to think. When I sit to write, my mind goes around all the places in my house. Did I switch off the stove? What is my son doing?  Is my laundry done? What else? Ask me, I will have hundred questions in mind.
May be I should practice meditation to concentrate.
My last post was in February.
Maybe I should stop blogging. No! I am not quitting.
I should beat my weakness. I realize to be good at this requires lot of dedication and concentration.
I might not be a famous blogger. But I could be a better one! I am gonna try this!

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