Wednesday 4 September 2013

5 Tips for Healthy Gums and a Great Smile

How wonderful it will be to start our day by seeing a beautiful smile? Don’t you feel it will be great?
A beautiful smile can be damaged if we do not have a good oral health.   

Healthy gums are critical for good oral health and a great smile. Taking a little time each day to brush, floss and take care of your gums will go a long way in preventing dental problems down the road. It keeps our smile fresh which can be transformed to many.

Our best bet is prevention when it comes to healthy gums. If we are proactive, then we are less likely to experience the pain.

It’s never too late to start taking better care of your gums.

Brush Regularly For Healthy Gums:

First and foremost we have to brush our teeth regularly. It is recommended to brush at least twice a day to keep our teeth and gums healthy. But, we may not know that the way we brush also have an impact on our gums.
  • Don’t brush too hard. Gentle pressure is all you need.
  • Use a toothbrush that is soft or extra-soft. The softness in the bristles is gentler on the gums and won’t cut or rub them, making them bleed.
  • Brush at a 45-degree angle. This helps you get the bristles up against the gums, but you’re not abrasively rubbing them.
  • Every time you brush, aim for two minutes to help cut down on harmful bacteria in the mouth.

Don’t Forget to Floss:

Floss goes a long way in helping to keep gums healthy. It removes plaque that would otherwise stay between the teeth and turn into tartar. Plaque and tartar buildup attract bacteria that will eventually lead to gum swelling and inflammation.

When you begin to floss, it will take it awhile to become a habit. However, if you keep at it, you’ll learn to look forward to how clean your mouth feels afterward.

Aim to floss at least once per day and help yourself out: get a brand of floss you’ll want to use. Some companies make different “flavors” of floss such as mint or cinnamon. For people with tight teeth, in which there’s not much space between each tooth, using floss “tape” or “ribbon” can be a lot more comfortable than other types. Waxed floss glides between the teeth more easily, as well.

Have you ever noticed that even if you brush thoroughly, your breath isn’t that great? If you don’t floss regularly, those little food particles left between the teeth can create a foul odor and contribute to chronic bad breath.

Another benefit of flossing is that it’s heart-healthy: believe it or not, studies show that people who floss regularly have lower incidences of heart disease.

Use Mouthwash:

Using a good mouthwash will not only keep your breath fresh, it can help keep harmful bacteria at bay. Use a mouthwash that kills bacteria. A number of brands on the market do just that.

Chew Sugarless Gum:

Chewing sugarless gum for about 20 minutes after eating can help freshen our breath and clean the mouth. Keep in mind; this is more if you’re in a pinch. Regular gum-chewing, especially if you do that for extended amounts of time, can lead to jaw problems down the road. Avoid gum with sugar in it, too. The added sugar will only serve to create more plaque and bacteria.

Don’t Forget the Dentist:

Don’t forget that you need to see your dentist regularly; every six months. By doing so, your dentist can detect any problems early on and help to keep your teeth in optimal condition. Dentist will be able to clean any plaque and tartar build-up that can lead to diseased gums and will give you other pointers for your oral care.

See, it’s very easy!
A few minutes a day is a great investment for a lifetime of healthy gums and teeth.
Have beautiful Smile!!!

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