Friday 8 March 2013

10 Wonders, that Drinking Water will do !

We all know that water is good for us. We have been told since we were young to drink eight glasses of water a day.
Even if we know the importance of drinking water, it is not a habit that many people form.

Has it occurred to you that you are thirsty? Do you know – by the time we experience the sense of thirst, we are already dehydrated.
Nearly all of ours systems do not function well without the proper intake of water.
So, really why should we drink more water?
Energy Booster:
Being dehydrated can sap our energy and make us feel tired. If we are thirsty we are already dehydrated. This can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness, dizziness and other symptoms. Since our body is mostly water, drinking it helps us to think, focus and concentrate better and be more alert. By staying hydrated we stay energized.
Weight Loss:
Water is one of the best tools for weight loss. It’s believed to be an extremely effective way appetite suppressant and its filling. Water removes by-product of fats, reduces eating intake, reduces hunger, and raises our metabolism and zero calories.
Head Ache Cure:
Dehydration is a common reason for head ache. If we have head ache often, it’s simply a matter of not drinking enough water. So drinking water can prevent to alleviate the nasty pain. Next time your head hurts, try drinking water.
Younger Skin:
Drinking water can clear up our skin and get a healthy glow. Water is the best anti-aging treatment. It moisturizes our skin, keeps it fresh, soft, glowing and smooth and gets rid of wrinkles. Regular and plentiful water consumption can improve the color and texture of our skin by keeping it building new cells properly. Drinking water also helps the skin do its job of regulating body temperature through sweating.
Our digestive system needs water to function properly. Water helps us to get rid of wastes and toxins from our body through the lymphatic system, kidneys and intestines. This reduces the risk of kidney stones and URI’s.
Less Joint Pain:
Drinking water helps to reduce the pain in our joints by keeping cartilage soft and hydrated. It lubricates our joints and reduces wear and tear.
Prevent Cancer:
Various researches showing that staying hydrated can prevent the risk of cancer. It’s been found to reduce the risk of colon cancer by 45%, bladder cancer by 50% and potentially reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Healthy Heart:
Drinking good amount water could lower our risk of heart attack.  Water dilutes the blood and prevents it from clotting. Water and heart-beats create the dilution and waves that keep things from sedimenting in the blood stream.
Feed Our Body:
Water is essential for the proper circulation of nutrients in the body.  Water serves at the body’s transportation system and when we are dehydrated things can’t just get around as well.
Feel Happier:
Water encourages the flow of nutrients and hormones around the body releasing endorphins which makes us feel happier. Our body is likely to feel in better condition too and as a consequence we will not only look better but feel better too. By staying hydrated w will be better equipped to deal everyday problems.
Water the natural remedy. Drink your way to better health.
Drinking water at the correct time maximizes its effectiveness on the Human body.
Drink more water: Our skin, hair, mind and the body will thank us.

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