Wednesday 18 December 2013

Top 10 Foods for Healthy and Beautiful Hair

You know the phrase “You are what you eat”. While eating healthy for good skin is a known fact, did you know that your hair can also reap the benefits?
Just like every other part of your body, the cells and processes that support strong, vibrant hair depend on a balanced diet.
Here are some foods that can do wonders for your tresses.


Protein is the key for the health of our hair fibers; salmon got a lot of it. It also boasts omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D which helps out with scalp health. If you can get wild salmon – not farm raised – that will be the best.


Eggs of course have protein; they also have important minerals such as iron. Iron is a crucial mineral for hair, if you are not getting it enough, can lead to hair fall. Eggs are also rich in biotin, which helps to improve luster.


Vegetarian? Don’t worry! Add lot of lentils in your diet. These are an excellent source of protein, as well as iron, zinc, and biotin which is essential for transporting oxygen from your blood to scalp and hair follicles. Good scalp circulation means quicker, stronger hair growth and faster cell renewal. So these are very solid options for vegetarians.

Sweet Potatoes:

You will be pleased to know that sweet potato is wonderful for maintaining lustrous locks. This orange root veggie’s got beta-carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A when digested. That vitamin A promotes hair health at the cellular level by improving the circulation of oxygen to the hair follicles through scalp.


Spinach is considered to be a super food. It contains a good source of vitamin A, C , folic acid zinc and strengthening natural collagen among other nutrients. So don’t forget to include this super food in your diet to have strong and beautiful hair.


Broccoli is a real hair hero as it is full of essential vitamins and minerals. This includes folic acid , zinc and calcium which is important for growth and strength.


I am not sure how many benefits I will tell you when it comes to carrots. Not only for your hair it’s an overall beauty tonic. The vitamin A contains in carrots helps the carrots to produce sebum oil, an important fluid that will provide natural hydration to dull, dry locks.


For a quick, lock-boosting snack on the go, make sure you pack yourself a B-vitamin and zinc-rich banana. Low in calories, high in hair beautifying vitamins and minerals.


Nuts in general are fantastic sources of hair-enhancing vitamins and minerals, but walnuts are considered among the very best for nourishment. This is because they contain a potent blend of omega-3 fatty acids, biotin, protein, vitamin E and copper, which protects hair against the harmful rays of the sun by acting as a sort of shield. You don't need to eat cup full of walnuts to enjoy their many benefits: smoother skin, healthy hair, brighter eyes, and strong bones. Get your daily dose of nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E by eating a handful by themselves or throwing some in your salad, or dessert.

Swiss chard:

It is a good source of vitamin C and iron. When it comes to beautiful hair Swiss chard is one of the best options. The magnesium, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and sulfur in Swiss chard pack a powerful punch, activating the production of keratin, elastin, and collagen. This makes hair resilient, glossy, and less likely to tangle.  

Shampoos and conditioners can do only so much — what you eat is even more important. Experts say that the nutrients you consume help fortify your hair follicles as well as your scalp.

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