Sunday 17 May 2015

Your good name please...

I bet there will not be anyone who loves window shopping. Me too, definitely. But for me sometimes a window shopping becomes a serious one. Today is one of that kind.

I was trying to find a good top for my regular use in a famous garments store. One girl approached me with a brochure, about some promotional event. I made some conversation with the girl and her next question is “your good name ma'am”. What? I am not sure whether it's good or bad but I have only one name, Divya. 

This is not my first experience, being asked about my good name. Is there anything like good name or bad name? Why can't we just ask ' your name please?' Nobody's name is bad. Then why do we ask for good name? Asking for good name is not something which is taught by anyone, but it is kind of practice. You hear it from someone and you follow through that.

I am totally against this question. I get irritated by this. I am sure it's time for us to stop it and go with, "Your Name please". I know you guys also agree with me. 

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