Saturday 4 May 2013

Is Our Bedroom Bad for Our Health?

We sleep, on average, about 7 hours a night, which means that we spend way more time in our bedroom than we do in any other room of the apartment. And naturally, we spend more time in our bed than on any other piece of furniture. It follows then that the bedroom can affect our health more than any other room.

So, when we started waking up every morning with a stuffy nose and sinus head ache, we knew something was wrong.
Before we go to bed tonight, cast our mind back to the last time we washed our pillow. Can’t remember? Not good! 33% of our pillows could be made up of bugs, germs, and dead skin. Not our first choice of bed buddies. Here’s why it’s time to get a different kind of busy between the sheets.
Consider our Sheets:
Are they organic cotton?? Are they clean?? If they are not organic, consider buying organic fabric the next time we need to purchase new sheets. Now ask ourselves: How often do we put fresh sheets on our bed? We should be doing it once a week. Do we? We know we weren’t, but we have started and it’s helping.
Rethink our Pillows:

Hair, moisturizer, sweat, - ew how much dirt can a pillow take?! .Think about it: if we sleep on our stomach we are literally breathing our pillow for 7 hours a night. So, obviously, it’s good idea to wash it! Then consider what our pillow is stuffed with. A lot of us are allergic to down, so consider a natural, hypoallergenic filling, like wool. Or, invest in some hypoallergenic pillow covers; they will keep the bad stuff in our pillow and out of our nose. But remember, they need to be washed regularly too! A more expensive, but possible, solution is a natural foam pillow.

The Heart of the matter: our Mattress:
A natural mattress is always the best way to go. But lot of us already own an expensive mattress and don’t intend to swap it out any soon. If we fall into that category, treat our mattress just like our pillows and invest in a hypoallergenic cover. Also, try cleaning it regularly or get a washable mattress protector.

Dust mites, moths, bacteria and mold thrive in still, warm conditions, so get fresh air circulating around our bedroom by opening windows and other airways. Open up those shades and wash those windows until they glisten when the sun shines through. Sunlight is a natural healer invites it as often as we can.” At least ten minutes every day should be fine”.
Keep pets out:
Lastly, something we continually fail to do: Keeping pets pot of the bed can be a critical step, step especially if we struggle with allergies.
Our bedroom is the place we go to rest, relax and recharge each night, so keep it healthy.

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