Tuesday 26 February 2013

Be Our Own Kind of Beautiful !!!!!!

With all the information on maintaining a good beauty regimen out there, it can be little confusing to figure out what advice to take. It is up to us to decide what work best for us, as an individual.
The easiest and most basic thing we can do to be more appealing is practicing good hygiene. Looking clean and smelling good will make people subconsciously want to be near to us. Develop a daily routine of these:
Shower Everyday:
Bath or shower as regularly as we feel comfortable. How often is the matter of who we are as a person – culture, gender, and ethnicity and where we live.  Some people like to shower every day and others do it less often.
It is always good to shower in the morning. We will look fresh and we can start the day with the same freshness. Wash hair thoroughly, and use a body wash or soap that has fresh and clean scent.

Clean and Trim the Nails:
Every two or three days trim up all the nails and clean out the dirt from underneath. They will be softer and easier to manage if we keep it in the water for few minutes. Use sharp manicure scissors or clippers.
Paint the nails clear to make them look extra shiny and nice looking.
We don’t have to wear expensive items to be attractive, but our clothing can communicate a lot about us. Make sure we are wearing a fit cloth as well as possible. We don’t want to wear something that’s completely form-fitting but it shouldn’t sag or leave too much space. Select those colors which suits best. The right color will make our skin look awesome, while the wrong one can make it look washed out and sallow.
Practice Good Posture:
It might seem irrelevant, but standing straight make us seem more confident and in control, which people find attractive. Keep the shoulders squared, spine straight, and try to center hip over feet. Walk with confidence and don’t drag feet. Keep the face up and straight, don’t ever stare at the ground.
People are more attractive when they smile. And it is one of the easiest ways we can do to seem instantly appealing. Practice smiling often.
Take Care of Body:
Eat well: Sticking to a healthy diet help us avoid bad breath and pungent body order as well as keeping us from healthy and trim.
Stay Hydrated: We need lot of water to function throughout the day. Aim to get 8 full glasses of water every day.
Exercise: Consistent physical activity cannot only help us more attractive but it also lifts our mood up and Keep us from getting sick often.
Beauty is not in our perfection, but it is our attitude to our imperfections.
Next time when you think of beautiful things don’t forget to count you in .

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