Wednesday 13 February 2013

Healthy Teeth, Healthy Life!!!!!!!

She laughs at everything you say, why? she has a fine teeth.

When we get our picture taken, everyone says “Say Cheese! Smile!” so we do open our mouth and show our teeth. When we see the picture we see a happy person looking back at us. The healthier those teeth are the happier we look.
Our teeth are important in many ways. If we take care of them, they will help take care of us. Strong, healthy teeth helps us chew the right food helps us to grow. They help us to speak; of course they help us to look better.
Our teeth can give away a lot about us. And it doesn’t take a lot to keep our gums and teeth healthy.
Why healthy teeth are Important?
If we don’t take care of our teeth, cavities and unhealthy gums will make our mouth very, very sour. Eating meals will be difficult. And we won’t feel like smiling much. We all want a dazzling smile. To have a dazzling smile, we must also have healthy teeth and gums. If you suffer from certain medical conditions maintaining healthy teeth are very more important. If avoid proper care of our teeth, plaque and tarter can easily build up. This can cause to numerous problems like tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth loss. It has the chances of developing periodontal disease i.e.
Bad breath from mouth
Red and swollen gums
Bleeding when brushing the teeth
Bad taste in mouth
Receding Gums
Tooth Loss
The mouth is the doorway to the body. If the mouth is diseased it tends to pass disease onto the rest of the body.
Keep Teeth Healthy:
How can we keep our teeth healthy?

Brush at least Twice a Day:
Brushing teeth twice a day is very important to make them strong and healthy. Brush all of the teeth, not just the front ones. Spend some time on the teeth along the sides and the back.
Take time while brushing. Spend at least 2-3 minutes each time you brush. Be sure the toothbrush has soft bristles.
You can also brush the tongue for fresh breath.

Floss Regularly:
This is also a nice and effective way of getting rid of any food particles from the surface of the teeth and the gaps between the teeth. They clean all the groves of teeth and prevent tooth decay.
A healthy Diet:
What we eat and drink also cause tooth decay, so a healthy diet is important for our teeth. A healthy includes foods from different groups, including fruits and vegetables, starchy foods, some protein rich food and some diary food.

A trip to the dentist need not only be when we have a dental problem.  Cleanup every six months helps remove plaque from teeth, reduces the bacteria in our mouth and ensures overall cleanliness.
Tobacco based products are known to increase gum disease and even cancer of mouth. Steer clear of them.
Reduce the use of sugar.
Ensure there is no lack in Calcium and Minerals.
Drink Milk. Milk does the body good. It also helps our bones and teeth strong.
Strong teeth are a blessing and it is very important to take care of teeth as to be sure as we can enjoy hard food items even in our old age.


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