Monday 25 February 2013

Healthy Family !!! Happy Home !!!

What can be more important than the health of our Family?
The best place to learn healthy habits is home.
Making our home healthier doesn’t have to be expensive; just few changes can improve the health of our home and everyone in it.
Dust the house regularly:
Keep our house dust free by dusting regularly. Dust in the house is one of the primary reasons for many respiratory diseases and allergies. Change bed sheets weekly because frequently washed sheets reduce skin flakes, fibers and dust in the air. Rugs are the biggest dust collectors. Shake them outside the house frequently. Clean the sofa cushiness. Remove clutter from floor. Clean from top to bottom. Clean the highest surfaces first and work your way down.
Avoid wearing shoes around the house:
Remove the shoes while entering the house. Use home slippers while we are indoor.
Clean Remote Controls:
The remote controls are another popular destination for germs. Because it’s constantly touched and handled, often by grubby hands, germs will have a field day multiply on the remote controls. Use alcohol socked cloth to wipe them clean from time to time.
Change the Kitchen sponge often:
The kitchen sponge rated the number one source of germs in the house. Ironic, considering it’s used to clean our dishes! Never keep our sponge in the dishwashing soap, always squeeze it and keep it dry and discard it while it starts to fall apart.
Check The LPG Gas Cylinder pipe regularly:
Most LPG gas companies recommend changing the pipe once in two years. It is also a good idea to have the person who changes the cylinder check the pipe at every visit. A leak in the pipe is a serious situation and could lead to fire or much more
Wipe Your Refrigerator Handles Daily:
All the day refrigerator handles are opened and closed by hands that have been near food. All that touching will bring the handle with germs and bacteria. Most of us keep inside the refrigerators clean anyway, don’t forget to keep it clean outside as well.
Don’t Smoke:
Toxic particles are left behind even after the cigarette has been smoked and extinguished.  Smoking inside the house means we are leaving extremely harmful carcinogens in the carpet, curtains and other surfaces of the house. This is harmful and has the effect of passive smoking. It’s very harmful for infants. Even if we go out and smoke, make sure that we are washing the hands properly while coming inside the house.
Watch the Plastics:
Plastic bottles and containers are a staple in most of the kitchens. However, we need to remember that all plastics are not the same on the health scale. Certain grades of plastics are known to leach chemicals in to the food stored in them. So choose the plastics wisely.
Filter the Tap water:
Even if we live in a place where drinking water is considered good, there can still be traces of chemicals in it. Filtering the tap water is an easy thing to do – we don’t want to invest a lot of money in it. It’s better safe always than sorry.  
Wash Our Hands:
Hands are our best companion in our day to day life and it’s important for us to keep it healthy. Frequent hand washing keeps the germs from getting passed around. Always wash hands before preparing food, eating, treating wounds or giving medicine, inserting or removing contact lenses. Also wash hands after using the toilet, touching an animal, lashes or waste, coughing or sneezing into hands.
 “A healthy family is sacred territory. Family is the root of all that is good in our life”

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