Tuesday 2 April 2013

6 Habits that Can Destroy Our Looks!

Looks even if they are sometimes deceptive, make persons impression in life. Our face shows how much efforts we are putting towards taking care of ourselves.
Good appearance is an effect of good habits.
Just as there are habits that improve our appearance, there are bad ruts we can fall into in terms of diet, exercise and grooming that can ruin our appearance.
To find out if we are guilty of committing one or more of these sinful habits and to find out how to change our ways and our looks for the better, read on.

Use of Random Products:

Getting anew skincare product just because of advertising or just for the sake of trying something new, is a bad idea. What we do not realize is that our skin is sensitive and can develop allergies on using such random products. Another mistake that most of us tend to make is to use different brands of cream every month assuming that our face will adjust. These habits ruin our appearances and lead to many skin issues and acne problems.

Too Many Beverages:
Taking healthy amount of water is good for skin. But having too much of coffee, tea and aerated drinks are habits that tend to destroy our appearances. Normally these beverages tend to lessen the water level in the body. There should be around 70% water in our body; anything lesser results in dehydration which in turn would cause health issues and deteriorating appearances. So if we can’t live without our morning cup of coffee, at least make sure we compensate by drinking more water.

Touching our face:

In between washings, our hands pick up all kinds of dirt, bacteria and grease from food. When we touch our face all that pore-clogging stuff gets transferred to our mug, leading to unsightly zits. Furthermore, rubbing our face with our hands pulls our skin in all kinds of unnatural directions, thereby promoting the formation of wrinkles. 

Wrong Postures:
Sitting without our back at rest is a habit that tends to destroy appearances. If we hunch while we sit, it might cause a spine problem in the long run. A slumped posture sends that message that we are lazy or lack confidence- neither of which are characteristics we would like people to remember us by. In contrast standing up straight makes our muscles appear more taut and defined, and shows that we are self-assured.

Exercising just To Eat More:
Taking a 20min stroll to get to the burger joint is not a license to down a calorific meal. If we tend to fool ourselves with faulty logic in order to indulge, we will notice the negative consequences of our denial showing up on our mind in the form of fat. Any nutritionist will tell us that in the quest to stay in fit shape, a good diet is half the battle. So we are only sabotaging ourselves when we make excuses in order to give into our carvings.  That said, every now and again a part of a healthy life style that includes regular exercise, we can feel free to treat ourselves to a burger or the favorite junk foods- Just be realistic about how often we do it and how much physical activity we are getting.

Shaving on Dry Skin:
This is the worst possible habit that we could indulge in. This would definitely make our skin go sore with boils. It can also lead to other harmful effects and spoil our appearance. To steer clear of tender skin and minimize chances of inflammation and cuts, spend a few extra, when picking up new razors and buy some shaving cream from a reputable brand.

Destroy our bad habits and look attractive.

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