Saturday 6 July 2013

5 Ways to Lose Love Handles

Love handles may sound (and feel) warm and delicious, but for most people, it's one of the hardest places to lose weight.

You already have a bulging tummy, but cannot resist licking your fingers at a food stall? The mere sight of hot samosas makes you forget all your weight loss resolutions? With all your love for French fries and hot dogs, what tends to get often neglected is our body. We usually start complaining of an unsexy body, belly bulge and love handles, but never work towards reducing it. So, follow these simple tricks and get ready to embark on a stomach crunch marathon.
Perfect that posture:
Maintaining the right posture goes a long way in helping you trim down your belly, especially that excessive fat around the abdomen. Always stand straight with your weight distributed on both feet. Do not forget to pull your belly button close to your spine, while keeping the shoulders relaxed. The head and neck have to be in one line.
Yoga twists:
Doing crunches for your abs do not always melt those stubborn love handles. Learn and practice yoga, especially the side twists. These side twists not only tone the muscles but also tuck in the bulging fat from the sides. Poses that you must try are Parivritti trikonasana (Twisted triangle) and Kati Chakrasana (Standing spinal twist) along with Kapalbhati pranayam (quick exhalations).
You are what you eat:
When trying to get rid of love handles, altering your diet can do wonders. Avoid white foods such as rice, milk, sugar and salt, as they are empty calories. Substitute it with colored foods like spinach, carrot, grapes and tomatoes etc. Also include lemon water with honey in your diet, preferably replacing the aerated drinks and canned juices. 
Drink at least three liters of water per day
Eat five servings of vegetables and fruits per day
LIMIT fried foods and cheese
LIMIT processed sugar (for example: sodas, cookies, candy)
Eliminate fatty red meat - only lean red meats (1-2 times weekly)

Oblique sit ups:
Though, quite similar to the traditional sit up, the oblique one is more challenging to do. Just lay straight on your back. Make your knees bend towards one side of your body. Now, perform the exercise by bringing your chest up towards the sky. Repeat this in two sets of 10. This exercise basically puts pressure on the sides of your belly.
Twist dancing:
Come and twist…quite literally! This song comes to our mind while talking about this exercise. It is more of a dance than a workout. Just play your favorite number and dance off those love handles with this twisting exercise. The trick is to incorporate as many twists as possible.

You do not have to be calorie-phobic to live in a perfect body. Just some tricks with a little discipline is the key to a healthy living!

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