Tuesday 30 July 2013

6 Tips to Get Rid of Facial Fat

Rounded cheeks and baby fat are features that are mostly adored in infants, but these qualities are not necessarily what we want to be admired for as we get into adulthood. Facial fat removal is not very easy, but there are ways by which you can reduce your chubby appearance and firm the skin on your face.

Make sure you regularly exercise and follow a healthy diet plan that includes plenty of vegetables, fresh fruits, and water. Cut out on your consumption of refined and processed foods and make sure you reduce fried foods and eliminate sugar from your diet. The best thing you could do for facial fat removal is to reduce fat all over your body, and this will reflect on your face as well.

Even if you are on the heavier side, possessing a well-shaped face and doing away with the accumulated facial fat will automatically make you look leaner with more conspicuous cheekbones and prominent chin.

By following a healthy diet and performing a few exercises, you can get a slimmer face in no time.

Curb the calories:

Cutting down on your calorie intake by 500 to 1000 calories everyday will help you lose one to two pounds weekly. Gradually attenuating the proportion of meals and taking six small meals a day is the right way to chalk out your diet. Junk foods are high in sodium content and therefore are a strict no-no, as salt tends to retain water in your body thus giving it a bloated appearance.

Plan the right diet:

A diet rich in calcium and protein can help burn calories faster. Calcium helps in flushing out the extra water in your body, thereby, reducing the puffiness. For ensuring you are having enough of calcium incorporate broccoli, leafy vegetables, beans, oranges, dry fruits, herbs and the likes in your diet. Protein is equally important and hence supplementing one carbohydrate serving with protein rich foods such as fish, egg whites, lean meats or tofu will help cut down on your carbohydrate intake while reducing your appetite as well.

Drink lots of water:

Are you having sufficient water that your body demands?There are various benefits of drinking water. If looking at your appearance in the mirror makes you frown at your puffy face or double chin, chances are you are having less water than is needed by your body. Drinking less water leads to a dehydrated body, which then tries to absorb the additional moisture in your body leading to a bloated appearance. Therefore, make it a routine of having 8 to 10 glasses of water every day.

Incorporate good fats:

Who said all fats are harmful? Replace your cheesy pizzas with fish like mackerel, salmon, tuna and nuts, which are rich in omega 3 and fatty acids. Healthy fats help you get rid of the excess fat.

Quit Smoking and Alcohol:

Smoking causes your skin to sag while alcohol leads to dehydration and consequent bloating. Hence quitting smoking and decreasing alcohol intake is a sure way to burn down those layers of fat on your face.


Nothing works better than performing simple exercises at home. One such exercise to reduce your chubby cheeks is Cheek Puff exercise where you require holding as much air as possible in your cheeks and then pushing it towards each of the cheeks, every time holding for 5 seconds. To reduce double chin, exercises like Tennis Ball Squeeze involving pressing a ball between your chin and chest for a few seconds, Neck Flexion and Isometric exercises work wonders.

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