Monday 8 July 2013

Daily Monsoon Foot Cae Tips You must Follow

Your feet are at a high risk of contracting diseases in the monsoon season. Monsoon is best known for watery streets, cool atmosphere, hot chips, and spellbinding views. However, with rains arrive a variety of skin and foot problems.
Read foot care tips for monsoon to keep your feet hygienic this season.

Proper Footwear selection:
Protecting your feet with footwear is as essential as protecting your body with raincoats and umbrellas. During monsoon, avoid wearing closed shoes or sandals since they tend to accumulate water.
Apply Moisturizer:
Before going to sleep during monsoon, apply moisturizer containing 7% to 10% of urea and paraffin on your feet. This will help you in getting rid of the dead skin (keratolytic effect) while keeping the feet clean, smooth, and allergy-free. Avoid putting moisturizer between the toes as web spaces have moist skin and putting moisturizer will increase dampness and may invite fungal infection.
Trim your nails:

This is one basic personal hygiene tips everyone should follow as it will prevent buildup of germs. Long nails pull and store ample of dirt and bacteria. Always trim your nails in straight line and file the corners. Avoid cutting too deep and leaving corners with sharp margins may lead ingrown toes nails, well-kept nails will help in keeping away germs from the feet.
Get a pedicure done:
Mani-pedi may be a fad among women, but a pedicure can help you prevent accumulation of bacteria. Take out some time from your busy schedule and visit the nearest parlor for a pedicure, specifically during rains. Make sure the instruments and the place is neat and clean. Avoid pedicure from unhygienic places, it may be source of fungal and bacterial infection.
Home remedy for foot care:

If your budget does not permit, do it the easy way at home. Dip your feet in lukewarm water for 15 minutes and dry it with a soft cotton towel. Do not forget to add 2-3 drops of antiseptic liquid in the water. Diabetic patients should avoid putting feet in warm water, at times because of loss of sensation they may land in burn injuries.
Clean and keep your feet dry:
Monsoon season propels the growth of bacteria and germs, therefore it is important to keep your feet dry, and it is a simple yet an essential thing to wash your feet after an outing during monsoon. As the season gives rise to fungus, bacteria, and germs, it becomes a necessity to clean your feet immediately after returning from office or school. Following the clean-up, pat them dry. Wear shoes rather than sandals while going out as shoes give the full protection compared to the sandals which make the feet wet, resulting in fungal and bacterial infections.
Foot Scrubbing:

Wash out all dead cells to prevent any fungal infection. When you go for bathing, soak your feet in the water about 5 to 10 minutes. Add any soap liquids, shampoo to the water. After 10 minutes wash your feet with the scrubbers made for feet to chuck out the dead or damaged skin.
Wear dry footwear:
If your footwear is soaked in the rainwater, it is necessary for you to dry it for the next day. Damp shoes offer a breeding ground to bacteria and germs, which ultimately lead to infection.

Take special care of your feet to avoid itching, swelling and bleeding of your feet. Fungal infections can lead to Athlete’s foot, which is a dangerous infection, especially in diabetic patients.
Simply enjoying this season is quite easy, but enjoying a healthy monsoon is a not so easy task. It is vital to take care of your feet and other body parts during rains, since a healthy body can keep you fit forever!
Note: Any sign of fungal or bacterial infection as redness, swelling, itching, and warm skin associated with pain without injury must not be neglected and a visit to physician is advisable for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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