Thursday 16 January 2014

10 Unexpected Benefits of Eating with Your Family

Nowadays, every one of us is so busy with our own life that the concept of having meal with the family is fast vanishing.
From my childhood, my family always has the habit of having meals together which is actually family time. That’s always given us lot of memories and bonding.
So, it is time to bring some changes in the busy schedule and make time for meal with your family I would say. Why, you might ask. There is lot of advantages of having meal with your family.

Connect with family members:

Family meals are one of the best ways to connect with the family. This time would help to connect with your family members and know about them little better. This would also help you to grasp your family’s likes, dislikes and habits. Whether it is breakfast or dinner, make most of this meal to get to know your family.

Strengthens communication and bond:

A family that eats together, stays together- is something we all have heard time and again. Well, enjoying a meal together will definitely help you to communicate better with each and every family member. There are no issues keeping a rule that family has to eat together whatever busy they are. Make sure that no one is distracted by their television shows, business presentations and other problems as you enjoy the family breakfast or dinner. Use these moments to talk to each other openly and freely.

Stress buster:

Breakfast with your family will certainly make your day start on a good note. While, after a day of hard work, one thing that can make you stress free is having dinner with your family. When you eat together, everyone talks, laughs, and shares their daily routine, along with some funny and embarrassing moments. These little chit-chats and chuckles will boost your mood and will help you to relax.

Aids in problem solving:

Talking about stress, we are sure there might be certain problems that might be causing you the same. Well, at times there are some serious issues to be taken care of and some decisions to be made. And what better time for discussion than on a dinner table, where every member hears out your problem and offers advice's accordingly. A good discussion including the pros and cons can help you to take decisions easily.

You end up eating healthy:

Meals prepared and eaten at home are usually more nutritious and healthy. They contain more fruits, vegetables and dairy products along with additional nutrition’s such as fiber, calcium, Vitamins A and C and folate.  So, make it a compulsion for everyone to have dinner together. This way everyone will end up eating healthy and nutritious food that is freshly cooked at home.

Keeps check on weight:

A healthy and a nutritious meal will definitely help to keep your weight under check. Also, you can keep a tab on the quantity of the food you are eating and avoid overeating. Healthy eating habits will definitely help you and your family to stay fit. Also, as you are eating dinner together you will have a fixed time for having the meal. This habit will keep a tab on your odd and irregular dinner timings, and will thus; help you to avoid the risks of piling on weight.

Saves money:

You are less likely to order food when you know you have to eat with your family. Even the chances of eating out alone are less while your family waits for you at dinner. What is the result? Well, you end up saving money. Your unnecessary food bills will be under a check and the saved money will definitely motivate you further to continue this habit.

Help kids to bond:

Family meals would help to create positive impact on the kids too. It increases their sense of security and they are less likely to indulge in bad eating habits. It would also help a child to bond with his or her parents and grandparents on the emotional level. Kids also get to learn some important values when they see their family members interacting with each other openly.

Become Self-sufficient:

Children today are missing out on the importance of knowing how to plan and prepare meals. Basic cooking, baking, and food preparation are necessities for being self-sufficient. Involve your family in menu planning, grocery shopping, and food preparation. Preschoolers can tear lettuce, cut bananas, and set the table. Older children can pour milk, peel vegetables, and mix batter. Teenagers can dice, chop, bake, and grill. Working as a team puts the meal on the table faster, as well as makes everyone more responsible and accepting of the outcome. Improved eating habits come with "ownership" of a meal.

It’s the perfect setting for new foods:

Encourage your children to try new foods, without forcing, coercing, or bribing. Introduce a new food along with some of the stand-by favorites. Trying a new food is like starting a new hobby. It expands your child’s knowledge, experience, and skill. You can include foods from other cultures and countries or healthy ingredients which you haven’t tried at all.

Family meals are always fun. So, keep everything aside and make it a point to have breakfast or dinner with your lovely family every day. After all, the family which eats together stays together!

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