Sunday 12 January 2014

5 Reasons You Should Stop Watching Television Now

Are we losing our life to television? Do you know that television is causing many issues in our life? We might think that a little bit of TV doesn't’t hurt anyone. But we don’t realize the actual time we are spending in front of television.
After reading an article about the number of hours people waste in front of the TV, I did a math myself and the result was really shocking. Until then I thought that I am not watching TV and wasting my time.
I will suggest you to try the same. Write down the number of hours you spend in front of the screen watching favorite shows, movies and YouTube videos.
That number is how many hours you’re losing each week to television. This is time that could be spent with your family, friends or relaxing in other ways.

Here is some reason I found for why we should stop watching TV.

Wasting Time:

Half of our day we spend by sleeping. What about the time we watch TV? It’s obvious that we don’t do anything else while we watch TV. It’s just the same as sleeping.  So the question is do we want to spend more in our precious day asleep.

Missing Out on Social Interaction:

Do you know that you are sitting in front of the TV in the time you could be playing with your family, hanging out with your friends or doing any activity you enjoy? Connection is one of the basic human needs and it will never be fulfilled by your television set.

Your Health Get affected:

One of the main health issue we face now is obesity which is mainly caused by Television Set.  Sitting in front of the TV with snacks in hand is the main reason making us fat. Research is showing even the most basic movement of walking or moving our bodies in subtle ways can make a big difference to our health. So get up and move around.

TV Poisons Your Belief Systems:

In comedies, we laugh at the stupid/overweight/socially awkward/racial stereotype/different people. The news is filled with stories of pain/suffering/disaster/death, and arguing and drama has to be about problems in order to create the drama. Here we forget that the shows which is getting telecast might be just smaller percentage and it might not be true about the majority.  All of this is affecting your outlook on life and the way you see the world.

Subliminal Programming and Advertising:

Have you ever noticed how many minutes advertising last for a program which last for 30 minutes. I am sure that there is only one reason why television exist is to sell products. Every single part of every single TV program is designed to keep you in front of the TV and prepped to buy the advertised products through traditional advertising or product placements. We get addicted to the wonderful and beautiful advertisements shown in TV and prefer to buy the products which might not have any real effects.

We get one life to live and it’s up to us to make the most of it. Every hour of the day is an investment that pays off right now and in our future. Invest wisely and your life will actually be filled with truly beautiful people doing amazing things and having great adventures.
It’s time to stop watching television and start living instead.

Even though there is lot of disadvantages watching television, one good aspect of it is to watch the News and scientific channels. This will be beneficial.

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