Friday 10 January 2014

6 Health Benefits of Ginger Tea

Ginger Tea is always my favorite, particularly in winter and on rainy days, the healthiest tea I would say...
Nothing beats cold in the winter like a piping hot cup of ginger tea. With its high levels of Vitamin C, magnesium and other minerals, ginger root is extremely beneficial for health.
There are many reasons why we should be having Ginger tea especially on a cold winter day. Here are some.

Relieve Nausea:

Drinking a cup of ginger tea before travelling can help prevent the nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness.

Improve Digestion:

Useful in improving digestion and increasing absorption of food, ginger tea can be used to reduce bloating after eating too much.

Reduce inflammation:

Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties that make it an ideal home remedy for muscle and joint problems. In addition to drinking ginger tea, you can also use it to soak inflamed joints.

Fight respiratory problems:

Ginger tea can help relieve congestion associated with the common cold. Try a cup of ginger tea for the respiratory symptoms associated with environmental allergies.

Improve blood circulation:

The vitamins, minerals and amino acids in ginger tea can help restore and improve blood circulation that may help decrease the chance of cardiovascular problems. Ginger may prevent fat from depositing in the arteries helping to prevent heart attacks and stroke.

Strengthen immunity:

Ginger tea can help strengthen your immunity due to the high levels of antioxidants in ginger.

Relieve stress:

Ginger tea has calming properties that may help lower your stress and tension. This is thought to be due to a combination of the strong aroma and healing properties.

How to Make Ginger Tea?

Ginger tea is most frequently brewed with grated or minced fresh ginger and hot water. The flesh of the ginger root is often steeped in liquid to extract the flavor and juices of the ginger root, as well as to extract the medicinal benefits of the spice. It can be mixed with honey, sugar or milk.


                Water: 1 Cup
                Tea Leaves/Tea Bags: 2 Tsp
                Ginger: 1 inch piece
                Sugar as required

In a saucepan, heat the water. Crush the ginger and add it to the water.
Bring the water to a boil and keep boiling for about 5 minutes, till the ginger releases its flavor.
Add the tea leaves (or tea bags) and sugar and simmer for another 5 minutes, till the water is  
dark red or brown in color
Strain the tea right into tea cups.

Note: You can use Milk if desired.

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