Friday 15 March 2013

How to Stand out in a Crowd?

Everyone wants to be best in their life, the one whom others are looked upon.

We don’t have to sink to the level of wearing a lamp shade on our head to get people to notice us.
If we truly want to take our life and career to a whole new level of success, then take the option of “doing the same old thing in the same old way” off the table and replace it with a firm commitment to DIFFERENTIATE yourself and stand out in the crowd in a way only you can imagine.
Have Good Posture:
People with good posture look smarter and more attractive. Experts say that first impressions are based on 60 per cent non-verbal communication and 40 per cent verbal, which means that we are being judged mostly before we even open our mouth. To make our 60 per cent count we need to have good posture. Shuffling in with slumped shoulders and our head hanging down will make us look like we don’t want to speak to anyone and doesn’t make people feel like they can approach us. Instead, walk tall with our shoulders back and our head held high.
Walk with Purpose:
Along with posture comes walking with a purpose. There is no point holding our head high if we are going to dawdle around looking worried and lost. Even if we don’t have any clue where we are walking to, just pretend we do. Walk in like we mean business, and people will notice us.
Look the Part:
Everyone takes notice of an elegant person. Trendsetters rarely go undetected so wear something that stands out. Go for something we feel confident in, but add a flash of colour or a quirky accessory to make ourselves stand out.
Be approachable and Approach people:
There is no point looking the part with posture, Confidence and style if we are going to team these attitudes with a bad attitude and glum face. No one like a hockey guy who walk like he owns the place. Instead, approach people and make sure we look approachable, make eye contact and smile.
Have a Passion:
When speaking to people, evoke their interest in us by being passionate about our chosen subject. This doesn’t mean pretending that you are interested in Football when you are into music. Showing that we have a passion for something makes people interested in us because we are inspiring – we have things to talk about and knowledge to share with others.
Don’t be swayed by other People:
People who really stand out are those who don’t simply smile and nod along when something is said that they don’t agree with. We should change our opinion purposely to stand out, but if our thoughts genuinely diverge from everyone else’s then say it. Don’t force our opinions on other people because this will make us unpopular but don’t be afraid to express our views either. Having our own thoughts and being honest will make us stand out from the people who simply smile and nod along.
Have good Manners:
Politeness opens door and keeps them open. Manners might seem old fashioned to some these days but they are the currency of respect and when a person feels respected they remember the well-mannered person forever.
Say Thank You for all the little things people do, as well as big things.
Shake people’s hands with strength and passion. Show them from the outset that we are someone with heart and conviction.
Smile. There are never enough smiles to go around. Be someone who provides at least five smiles for every one frown us spot.
Take Initiative:
Standing out in the crowd often means that we take action while everyone else stand back, wondering what to do next. If we learn to sum up situations quickly and to respond according to what needs to be done, we place our self in a position of being different from the silent majority waiting to be shown what needs to be done next.
Innovate at work, at home, in our volunteer group. Be the first to point out what’s working and what not. Leadership requires tenacity and certainty of purpose and will ensure that we stand out from the crowd.
If we see someone is in trouble, don’t assume they are getting help. Stop and ask if they need help.
Believe in Ourselves:
Believe in Our self. To stand out in crowd, we must believe that we are someone worth being around. Once we have conquered the fear of being the centre of attention, we have got the key to standing out in a crowd.
There is only one of us in the whole wide world, so look good, stand tall, be confident and friendly and we are sure to stand out from the rest.
We never get a second chance to make a first impression.
We have the power to create a future that is amazing – don’t wait another minute because our Time is Now!!!!

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