Sunday 3 March 2013

Healthy Eyes ….. Beautiful Eyes …

My eyes are my favorite part of me. Not for how they look, but for how they see!!!

Eyes are the precious asset of our body. Eyes are the mirrors of heart. One can think to hide the happiness and sorrows but their eyes will show their frame of mind. Eyes can speak well and brave than lips.
Eyes are the windows to the world. We should take proper care of the part that imparts the precious gift of sight.
Think about the situation of no eyesight. There are millions out there who doesn’t have proper eyesight. So we should be thankful and take proper care of this exquisite gift.
The healthy human eyes can distinguish 17,000 different colors.
Get an Eye Exam, No Matter of Age:
We might think that our vision is fine and our eyes are healthy but visiting an eye care professional is the only way to really be sure. Many common eye diseases come with no warning. So, everyone, even young children should have their eyes examined regularly. This is particularly important for eye health. Regular, Comprehensive eye exams can help us protect sight and make sure that we are seeing our best.
Eat right:
Eat right to protect eyes. Carrots are good for eyes. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, particularly dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale or collard greens are important for keeping our eyes healthy too. It is also good to eat fish high in omega – 3 fatty acids. Take vitamins such as Vitamin A , C, E  and B2 and the minerals Zinc and selenium.
Wear Sunglasses:
It may seem obvious, but if we spend any time outdoors, we should wear hat and sunglasses. This not just an issue of comfort. But repeated sun exposure could increase the eye diseases like cataract and macular degeneration. When choosing sunglass, be safe as well as stylish. When purchasing sunglasses look for ones that block 99-100 percent of UV-A and UV-B radiation.
Quit Smoking or Never Start:
Smoking is as bad for our eyes as it is for the rest of the body. Smoking causes and increased risk of developing age related macular degeneration, cataract, and optic nerve damage all of which can lead to blindness.
Give The Eyes a rest:
If we spend a lot of time at the computer or focus on any one thing, we sometimes forget to blink and our eyes can be fatigued. Try the 20-20-20 rule: every 20minutes look away about 20feet in front of you for 20 seconds. This can help reduce eye strain.
If you wear Contact lenses take proper care of them:
Make sure every time we put on lenses in or take them out, rinse them. Wear it for the recommended schedule. Daily disposable lenses should be replaced daily. If you want to change the color of the eyes, choose only high quality color contact lenses.
Eye Care Tips:
Clean the eyes with pure cold water regularly. This is one of the best ways to keep eyes healthy and disease free.
Avoid looking directly at the sun, artificial lights or shining objects. Direct lights or bright objects can damage the retina.
Roll your eyes up and down and side to side. Now move the eyes in a circular motion. Repeat this exercise five to ten times to relax eyes.
Maintain a good distance from the computer screen – sit approximately 22 to 28 inches away from it. Sitting too close or too far may increase the strain the eyes.
Eyes are the first most. There are so many ways to use them.
Take care of vision and Prevent Blindness.

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