Thursday 21 March 2013

Simple ways to keep our Hands Beautiful!

It is said that even if we have no word to express it, our hands can tell innumerable stories about our life!

Beautiful and well-kept hands are important. Hands tell us a number of things about ourselves. Hands tell us how we lead our life and how we take care of our body and skin. No matter how old we are, our hands tell an observer a lot about ourselves as a person. While speaking or communicating with others we use our hands to express ourselves, emphasize a point etc. Hands play an important role in communication. It is a part of our body we use the most, we cook with them, get dressed with them, write with them, empathize with them and shake others hands when we meet them.
Take good care of our hand and treat them well as they are essential for our existence.
Few Hand Care Tips:
Wash with Care:
Washing our hands is the best thing we can do to keep from spreading bacteria, viruses and other nasty things to us and from us to others.
Wash our hands frequently. If we make it practice to wash our hands the right way, their look and feel shouldn’t be a causality of our healthy habits.
Do not go for a harsh wash with our hands. We want to remove germs and grime, but we don’t want to strip all the natural oils from our hands. Wash our hands with warm water is the best way. We should also avoid harsh soaps. Liquid cleansers will also work well. Antibacterial soaps are not necessary and ay even dry skin more. This also can kill good bacteria on the hands and encourage bad bacteria that resist antibiotics.
Rinse hands well and dry by patting or blotting gently. Don’t rub.
Use Sunscreen:
Exposure to sun leads to damage skin. Hands can develop age spots and brownish areas that are actually sun damage. Apply sunscreen to our hands to keep it protected from sun.
Moisturize our hands at least four times a day.  Because of all the things our hands get into- especially soap and water – they tend to dry quickly, particularly in winter.
Good moisturizers can help prevent or treat dry skin on our hands. They hold that needed water in the outer layer of the skin, making our hands smoother and softer. They also help our outer skin act as a temporary protective shield.
Many people like to use some sort of water-based lotion, but that may not be the best choice. Lotions may make our hands feel great at first, but the water will evaporate quickly, drying our skin anew. Creams are thicker and long lasting than lotion.
Use Gloves:
Our hands have a hard enough time as it is. Give them a break by protecting them from unnecessary exposure to anything that will make things worse.
All we have to do is make wearing gloves part of our daily routine. We might find wearing them uncomfortable at first, nut it is worth the time.
Wear gloves anytime when we plan to use harsh cleaning products. There is no use being careful about the soap we use to wash our hands if we are also exposing our hands to house hold cleaners. Wear gloves when gardening or doing yard work to protect hands and nails.
Give Ourselves a Mini-Cure:
A manicure may be mood elevating treat or preparation for a special occasion. Most of us won’t get a manicure every day, but we can give ourselves a mini-cure, or the little things that can help keep nails healthy and attractive.
·         Don’t bite our finger nails.
·         Use moisturizer on our nails as well as on our skin. For an extra treat at night, warm a favorite essential oil and give our nails a therapeutic sock.
·          Don’t cut cuticles, push them back too far or use chemicals on them.
·         When cuticles are soft and moist, push them back gently with a soft cloth.
·         Buff nails with a soft cloth.
·         If nails become discolored, stop using polish for a while.
·         Keep our nails clean.
·         Prepare our nails and cuticles from grooming by cutting a lemon in half, sticking our finger nails inside and twisting them around to clean them
·         Use a file with a fine texture to shape nails and remove snags.
·         File nails to rounded point to preserve their strength.
Palm Massage:
Simply rub one palm over the back of the opposite hand in circular motion. The massage motion increase circulation, which helps to warm up our hands.
Healthy Diet:
The skin and nails on our hands will benefit from a basic, everyday healthful routine. If we want to keep our hands and finger nails healthy, smooth and young looking, think about what we eat. Deficiencies in the B-Complex vitamins can cause ridged nail beds, and a lack of calcium can result in brittle, dry nails that chip and flake easily. Be sure to eat foods high in these vitamins to improve the look of our nails. Make sure that we stay well hydrated as well.
Adjust Our Computer:
The position of our computer monitor, keyboard, and mouse can have a profound effect on our hands. Repetitive motions such as typing and mouse clicking can result in tired, sore hands. To correct this, make sure that mouse is easily reachable and that the keyboard is positioned in a comfortable level.
Condition of our hands depends on the time we give to our hands.

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