Sunday 10 March 2013

Who else wants luscious lips??

It doesn’t matter what our skin color is everyone wants great looking lips. After all who doesn’t want baby pink color lips?

We all know that lips are an important part of the face which immediately draws attention of people. Having the perfect lips is crucial for anyone as one notices our lips while we eat, talk and smile.
So, taking good care of our lip is just as important as looking after the rest of our face.
First thing we need to be aware is that healthy lips can retain color much better than unhealthy lips.
With a little loving care, our lips can be perfect in no time.
Healthy Lips:
Healthy lips can retain color in much better way than unhealthy lips. Think our lips as a sponge, “when exposed to moisture, they absorbs water and plump up. When dehydrated they dry out and shrink” and because they are always exposed, they are prone to dehydration. Drink plenty of water to not only help our lips but also to keep the whole body dehydrated.
Hands Off:
When it comes to our lips, we are our own worst enemy. A lot of our habits can lead to lip dryness, soreness and irritation.
Licking our lips feels great. It cools them down – but it makes our lips look worse. Our saliva evaporates quickly, leaving them drier than before and enzymes that help our saliva clean our mouth and digest food are too harsh for our lips. Licking damages the protective barrier, which can dry out our lips.
Exfoliate lips every three days to get rid of dead skin cells and to smooth the lips. Use a wet wash cloth or soft tooth brush to gently rub lips. Also we can make lip scrub using basic ingredients like sugar, water, salt and honey.
Know your Balm:
Apply a thick coat of Vaseline or other lip balm as a lip treatment and leave them overnight on lips. Look for hydrating ingredients in the balm to keep lips look plumpy and beautiful.  Lip balms work wonders for our lips by moisturizing them and protecting them. Look for products with a base of beeswax, petroleum jelly or paraffin. These seal in moisture and wont evaporate as quickly as thinner balms or glosses. Lip balm will be lot more effective if there is no build up in the way.
Lips are susceptible to sunburn since they lack melanin, the pigment that helps shield skin from the sun. Ensure we use a sunscreen added lip balm to not only retain the color but also protect them from sun.
Eat Healthy:
Have you ever noticed that our eating habits sometimes seem to sooth our complexion?  Make no mistake- Our diet is a big factor in our lips condition. Our lips are dependent on steady intake of vitamins and minerals, so stick to healthy, nutrient- dense foods like fresh fruits and vegetables. Vitamin B and E are especially important for healthy lips and skin. Vitamin A is also important to repair our lips skin. Ensure that our diet includes ingredients like carrot, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, whole grains and legumes.
Exercise Lips:
If we are determined to perk up our face, dedicate a few minutes to lip therapy and other facial exercises. The right routine can increase blood circulation, which will give us a healthy glow, and it can improve the tone, texture, and shape of our facial skin.
Though lip therapy is often using to improve mouth and throat functions like swallowing, the correct exercise can also improve the appearance of lips. Some exercise can make lips fuller, others may make smaller.
Don’t Smoke:
Studies have linked smoking with premature skin aging. Smoking accelerates skin cell damage and collagen loss, which lead to wrinkles. So skip cigarettes and layer on the lip moisturizer.
It is true that beautiful lips add beauty to one’s face, but if not done proper care it can even spoil the look.

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