Thursday 28 March 2013

How to get flat stomach, in 3 simple steps!

Our tummy is a constant threat, the extra bit that is. It tends to protrude, bulge out and create a very clumsy impression.
Reducing this unwanted guest is what we always dream about doing. It takes time and determination to do this.
There is no magic potion that can make us reduce belly fat in the blink of an eye. Besides, is there is ever a potion for this, better be safe.
How to get motivated?
How to get motivated to reduce belly fat? For people who are trying to get rid of their tummy the natural way, diet, exercise and healthy life style are always the things to do. Yoga can also be one of the best ways to reduce tummy.
Let us go the righteous way.
This has to be a priority. We cannot just eat less and starve ourselves thinking that to be enough. For all we know, we may fall sick or may even increase a few more kilos. Core muscle strength is the key to strengthening those abdominal muscles and losing excess tummy fat quickly. So, do work on our core muscles more diligently. Also, do not shy away from weights! We can use weight machines and other gym equipment’s to help reduce our tummy fat fast. Use the cycle, the twister and the treadmill. All these will help in gaining overall strength along with our tummy. We can also jog, skip, swim and walk that extra mile if we have the time and the energy. Some aerobic exercise can also reduce tummy size. All we need to do is to keep doing them regularly.
Food Habits:

Bring about some changes in diet. Things like, eating in a smaller plate which would mean eating small quantities. Also, do not even think about touching junk food, they contain huge amount of calories and our main aim is to take in less calories and burn more. Also, avoid pasta, rice, white bread, potatoes, yellow butter and cheese. Binge eating and binge drinking also needs to be stopped in order to reduce our tummy. We look what we eat. So, start eating complex carbohydrates. These are found in grains. They give us energy for long time and keep stomach full.
Life Style:
Eating at the right time is very important. Do not have a so called late lunch or a midnight snack. Sleep early and rise up early, basically be disciplined as we once were as a school boy/girl. Don not smoke or drink the night away. One must get 8 hours of sleep every day.
Some more tips:
Be very careful while making choice of food. Avoid eating fried foods or foods high on calories.
Drink lots of water.
Skip heavy meals at night.
Avoid eating small bites of chocolates, cookies etc. in between meals.
Avoid carbonated or fizzy drinks since they are high on calories.
Avoid sitting at one place for long duration of time and day-dreaming. Involve ourselves in some physical work and keep us busy.
Amalgamate all of the above and we will get very positive results.

1 comment:

  1. Is it simple steps??? C'mon yaar... this is really tough !!! :)
